Step 2 of 2: Pick a subscription

Ready to plan your debt-free HBCU degree?

Explore full-ride, tuition, transfer scholarships, and other funding opportunities from 2-year and 4-year HBCUs nationwide.

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Refine your search using GPA, test scores, major, and more to find opportunities that match your specific criteria.

Comprehensive resources for every stage of education

Access tailored resources for students from elementary school to graduate studies, including scholarships, internships, pre-college summer programs, and graduate programs—all in one place.

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Disclaimer: Our services are intended for individuals aged 13 and above. If you are under 13, please have a parent or guardian purchase the subscription on your behalf. By proceeding with a purchase, you confirm that you are either 13 years or older or have consent from a parent or guardian to use this service.




Perfect for students and parents navigating the scholarship search on their own.



Organizations are represented by a liaison or administrator who purchases bulk subscriptions for groups of students or parents (such as school districts, high schools, and universities).Book a call with us for a custom solution.

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